

Not a day has passed by, without praying to God, And the outcome I got is worthy of every applaud. All those moments of waiting, have now come to an end, My companion is a gem, my lover and a true friend. At times it is difficult to believe how we met, A miracle just happened which is no longer a secret. 'Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find.' Finally I have found what my heart had desired. To be yours for a lifetime has been the greatest barter,  A dream has been fulfilled with you as my partner. 


'Toxicity'- A trending word which is part of perhaps everyone's life - knowingly or unknowingly. I have used the word with the two paradoxical intentions because that is how we all may have perhaps dealt with it.  Beginning with our childhood, living in homes where parents bring their work frustration and use violence to control their kids makes the home environment - TOXIC. As a result, many children miss out on having an affectionate childhood and sometimes may become totally cold hearted. As an adult, many people may come across friends whose bullying can be toxic leading somebody to lose their self confidence unaware of how harmful that relation can be. However, since a majority of us spend most of our time at work space, I think it is this 'TOXIC WORK ENVIRONMENT' which needs our attention. Every now and then we hear about a lot of people unable to bear the work pressure which may lead to a mental breakdown or heart failure which is on a peak in our times. Hone

Keep Moving

Life is too short to stop and halt; hence, keep moving, It is a series of experience one after the other, so, just keep moving. Whether the pace is too fast or slow; go with the flow and keep moving, Whether the tide is high or low, just keep moving. People may come and go, stay put and keep moving, Many may lift you others may give a blow; anyway keep moving. Some days you may be on cloud nine and on some you may hit a low; yet keep moving, Some days may go as per the plan, some may be a bolt from the blue; still keep moving. To have a good balance and be level headed, it is the best to keep moving, For what has once begun also has to be finished- so just keep moving.


This way, that way, which way to go,  What to choose and when, I don't know.  Sometimes I hurry, sometimes I take things slow,  Sometimes the mind talks within to just go with the flow.  Today I am fresh, tomorrow is like a gloom,  Amidst this congestion there is no space to bloom.   Sometimes I feel good the next moment I feel sad,  There is so much confusion-at times things make me go mad. Such is the condition of the mind during CORONOA,  Throughout the day there is always constant Dilema.


Life is full of surprises where people come and go; Amidst this crowd, I found someone whom I would never let go. In a time when the entire world has come to a standstill; I see this beautiful heart and thank God for his will. A moment of thought came into my mind one day; How I wish to be with this lovely person someday. Don’t know when this feeling for you became so strong; With you, everything seems right and nothing wrong. For you are the one for whom I have always craved; Your name is now forever on my heart engraved. Forever your ‘impression’ will stay on my mind; There is nothing left in this world for me to find.


Treated as a second class citizen, only after her man, Today stands-up for her right to be treated like a human. Over the time, the one who has received only judgement, Today has made her own fate with sheer commitment. Carrying the labels of just a home-maker and a mother, Today has transformed herself into a “multi-tasker”. For years who has been celebrated only for her appearance, Today “SHE” celebrates her victory over her work and intelligence. Give her the freedom to choose her own guidelines, Wherever “SHE” is appreciated , a woman always outshines.

Degrees of Comparison v/s Degress of wisdom

So... After a long time, I thought of writing.. For all those who are constantly in the habit of comparing (including me of course). In this competitive world we all keep on striving to reach to the next level. But till when and where? It seems there is no point of satisfaction or complacence. A child as young as 3 wants to be like someone who is better than him? At 3?? Seriously?? What does it know at the age of 3? And for all of us, this is an alarm. what kind of a generation are we raising? It's good to have a healthy competition- but I think we all need to re-evaluate the exact definition of "Healthy" In this hypocrite world we all tend to refer to being healthy as being equal to perfection. There is nothing like perfect, it's just what each individual has the best in himself or herself which he/she has to realize. Children need to be motivated, not tortured or compared. The worst attitude that can destroy a child's mind is of inferiority complex. Once it d