'Toxicity'- A trending word which is part of perhaps everyone's life - knowingly or unknowingly. I have used the word with the two paradoxical intentions because that is how we all may have perhaps dealt with it. 

Beginning with our childhood, living in homes where parents bring their work frustration and use violence to control their kids makes the home environment - TOXIC. As a result, many children miss out on having an affectionate childhood and sometimes may become totally cold hearted. As an adult, many people may come across friends whose bullying can be toxic leading somebody to lose their self confidence unaware of how harmful that relation can be.

However, since a majority of us spend most of our time at work space, I think it is this 'TOXIC WORK ENVIRONMENT' which needs our attention. Every now and then we hear about a lot of people unable to bear the work pressure which may lead to a mental breakdown or heart failure which is on a peak in our times. Honestly speaking, I believe and from what I see at most of the work places is unnecessary politics, unfair attitude of the management, unfair pay disparity and showing a lot of distrust for the employees. 

One of the main tactics a lot of companies use these days is to threaten their employees using the medium of CCTV. First of all, let me remind them that the CCTV is for security and not to keep an eye on the people working for you. 'You are under Surveillance' at work place makes people feel like a criminal. The most important bond for an employee to work for any company is the trust that the company can have by giving a free working environment at least. A constant nagging about the CCTV only brings more toxic work conditions and builds unnecessary pressure. 

The kind of toxicity we all deal with in lives everyday will only make us more hateful if we don't bring an end to it. Our lives need to be a little more meaningful and diverted towards building better qualities like trust, peace, ethics and most importantly trying to create a more peaceful and resourceful work space. The world in general is going through a lot of unrest and a war like phase. In the middle of such times, each and every individual must try to help each other at least emotionally so that humanity remains in all of us. 


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