
Showing posts from June, 2015


Why is it that the mouth can’t speak what the ‘Heart’ always wants; Why is it that we say something else and the mind always taunts? Why some conversations are incomplete even after so many talks; While certain moments become eternal just by casual walks. Why can’t we always understand what one means to say; Why is it easy to assume about things which are far away? Perhaps the only answer to all of them comes through “Patience”; The capacity to be able to hear within; which is the power of “Silence”. Listen to this voice and one day everything will make sense; It will make you pure and you won’t need any defense.

The Power of Motivation.. A Real Experience...

I had a true experience of what Motivation can do to people! Some of us have been really privileged of being able to attend good and reputed educational institutes. It's very important to shape our personality. But there are some who are talented but haven't been able to groom themselves very well due to lack of true mentors. That's what TEACHERS can do. They always have the power to mould you in the right direction so that you can come out in your true form. When a student constantly fails but doesn't know why, the teacher can give just an invaluable piece of advice to make him relaise it. I have recognized that just by motivating someone you can regain your own confidence in somebody's achievement. The happiness that trickles through the eyes of the person can give you eternal peace. Your "Job" shouldn't just be about earning money; if you are able to change the lives of people around you then it can add into the account that can give you lifet


Oh so… You see… Everyone has a point in life when they just see a glimpse of that “Special Someone” and feel like…. Oh My God! It’s got to be him/her. The perfect one, meant for a lifetime. And all of a sudden even nature is with you. Everytime you think of this person you co-incidentally dash into eachother! And your feelings, emotions or whatever just gets stronger and stronger. You start living in a world of complete fantasy and imagination. Everything in life seems to be right! (Including a song that suddenly becomes your all time favourite because you start relating it to your present situation   ) And finally you proclaim inside your mind…. Yes!! I am Love Is this what we really call Love? Well not our fault.. That’s how we are shown about what people in love are supposed to feel . Our concept of “Love” is just a goody goody image which is only an illusion. Of course the first step in love is to get attracted towards a person. But is that it? Just starting to like the person

HOW TO EXIT THE FRIENDZONE... An interesting Article...

“I’m not ready for a relationship. Can we just be friends?” “No.” I date. Usually, first dates go pretty well. Whether it’s a doghike or a play or an event of some sort, we choose activities that are fun and worthwhile for both of us whether we wind up connecting, or no. If we connect, second date. If we don’t, that’s it. But sometimes, often, between the first and second date, or second and third, I enter the Twilight Zone: the realm of “hard-to-get,” a land where texts are replied to an hour or two or 12 or 32 later, if at all. And it’s hard: it’s hard to let go, and move on, when we’ve invested time and care in connecting with another. But it’s necessary. There are few excuses for not getting back to someone—whether on Facebook, text, voicemail (if you’re old school). Genuine excuses include: I don’t use Facebook, I was in a meeting/didn’t have my phone/phone was off. A good excuse rings true. But overlook an excuse and give a second chance, a third chance, and we’

(An Essay)A person's worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honor, kindness and trust, no longer seem important.

‘Man is not of what he is but of what he becomes.’ It’s not about the quantity but the quality of life that matters. However it is a harsh reality of the modern society that a luxurious life is prioritized over ethical values. The most crucial reason behind this craze for attaining social standard is “Materialism”- a phenomenon so popular that people have forgotten the value of life and fear of death. The standard of living today is dependent on the ownership of plush and fancy assets that one possesses, rather than following the path of honesty and peace. The matter has worsened with the global increase in corruption rates. The fact the human wants are unlimited makes the scenario more vulnerable to crime thus leading towards a situation of unrest. Furthermore, the society today mocks at people who stand up for their rights or fight for the underprivileged. The fatal acts of terrorism around the globe are nothing but a rebellious movement from the victims of discrimination and ex