
Showing posts from April, 2020


Life is full of surprises where people come and go; Amidst this crowd, I found someone whom I would never let go. In a time when the entire world has come to a standstill; I see this beautiful heart and thank God for his will. A moment of thought came into my mind one day; How I wish to be with this lovely person someday. Don’t know when this feeling for you became so strong; With you, everything seems right and nothing wrong. For you are the one for whom I have always craved; Your name is now forever on my heart engraved. Forever your ‘impression’ will stay on my mind; There is nothing left in this world for me to find.


Treated as a second class citizen, only after her man, Today stands-up for her right to be treated like a human. Over the time, the one who has received only judgement, Today has made her own fate with sheer commitment. Carrying the labels of just a home-maker and a mother, Today has transformed herself into a “multi-tasker”. For years who has been celebrated only for her appearance, Today “SHE” celebrates her victory over her work and intelligence. Give her the freedom to choose her own guidelines, Wherever “SHE” is appreciated , a woman always outshines.