Still the point is what kind of life are we all living today? We talk about saving tigers, water, plants- we fight against child labour, women’s right, human trafficking. We try to create awareness for everything that is around us but why not something that is inside us. L(Love)-I(Identity)-F(Faith)-E(Ego). Why can’t we focus on LIFE that is so precious? Why don’t we learn to acknowledge ourselves as and how we are? What is it that forces us to constantly compare ourselves with others around us? What is it that stops us from appreciating our own achievements?
We give it the name of PRESSURE- Pressure of becoming not good or better but only the best!! But is it really worth? What are we striving for? What kind of LIFE? A Life which is only full of rat races, murders, bomb blasts.. Then why are we giving birth to new LIFE? What for? To give them this PRESSURE so that they may only live for the sake of competing with each other. What is the purpose of Life for us today? Do we really have time to think of this question?
For everyone Life is only full of aims and goals which are only materialistic- Life which is only based on hypocrisy and false moral values and which is only meant as a show off for people around us. So what have we got to be proud of as the “MODERN ERA”? Is it the most advanced gadgets, the designer clothes, the luxury cars, the smartest technology which has simplified our activities, the well-furnished houses that we own or is it the number of people committing suicides and murders at the drop of a hat? What should we as the best creation of the almighty be happy about?