Chatting with God! (Translation of a Gujarati mail)

One day I was sitting and chatting online with my laptop. Suddenly God appeared online to me.
God: ‘Do you want to chat with me?’
Me: ‘No. I haven’t called you. Who are you?’
God: ‘My child. I am the creator of mankind and the entire universe. I am God.’
Me: ‘How do I believe that you are God? There are many here who claim to be Gods.’
God: ‘To believe or not is a matter of your choice. It doesn’t make a difference to me. You don’t trust yourself, then how can you trust me.’
Me: ‘Ok, but I am not free right now. I don’t have time to talk with you right now. Do you know how busy I am?’
God: ‘Even the ants and worms are busy the entire day.’
Me: ‘You don’t know how much work we have. Life is moving at a faster pace. We are going through the ‘Peak hours ‘now.’
God: ‘Son! Every day you fill your brain with the rubbish that you read from the newspapers early in the morning. Isn’t that enough that you are adding more to it by using the internet during your ‘Peak hours’. Is that what you call as your hectic life? If you don’t have time for yourself then how can you have time for me? But yet I thought I might surely find you on the internet and that would be more convenient for you; just like you communicate with your sons through the mobile perhaps in the same way I could.’
Me: ‘If you are really the almighty God then tell me why has life become such a mess?’
God: ‘It is not a good idea to do an analysis of life. Live a spontaneous and simple life, with least desire and give up on excess materialism.’
Me: ‘Do you know how much our standard of living has increased?’
God: ‘Yes. The real problem is that only your standard of living has increased however your life has not gone up.’
Me: ‘So do you expect us to take a ‘U’ turn and go back in life? It is impossible for us to do that.’
God: ‘I never asked to go back but if you wish you can atleast start with a new beginning? You only will have to develop a new technology to answer the questions which technology has created for you!’
Me: ‘Why do we always stay sad, insensitive and unhappy?’
God: ‘In this competitive world, to constantly stay ahead, you have put yourself into a “Rat race”.’
First you ran to achieve success, and now you are running to maintain it! So now you are left with no other option but to keep running. You have even forgotten to laugh heartily. You are always preoccupied with tension and insecurity. Then, how can you stay happy?’
Me: ‘But do you know under what level of pressure we work? We have to complete the targets, pay the house loan, pay our children’s fees, and sometimes we are unable to pay the car loans. So then how can we prevent tensions? The future seems to be uncertain.’
God: ‘Except “Death” everything else is uncertain in life. So then about how many things will you keep worrying? To worry or not is upto you.’
Me: ‘But pain and unhappiness are related to these uncertainties. What about them?’

God: ‘My dear child! I did not create you to give you pain and unhappiness. If that would have been the case then I wouldn’t have arranged for your milk before your birth. Life is not to be sad. All the pain around is your own creation. You have been caught up in the race of life.
A man fallen into a mud puddle gets pulled deeper into it. You decided to ride a lion and now you fear that it will tear you into pieces.’
Me: ‘God! Frankly speaking even we don’t know how we are able to survive amidst so many hardships and pain.’
God: ‘You are really tired only by travelling in the outer world. Just pause and take a look into your inner world. Have some self-realization. If you do so you will come to know where exactly are you leading to.’
Me: ‘You are the almighty. Can’t you give me a key to get out of these difficult situations and problems?’
God: ‘You too have the power like me. To realize it, is the only solution to your problems. Have some patience, strength and enthusiasm. Time and situation doesn’t remain the same always. They keep changing.’
Me: ‘Ok, that is fine, but then one question that comes to my mind is that why have people in the world become so selfish?’
God: ‘Accept people as they are. Trying to change them is worthless, instead, know yourself and try to change yourself.’
Me: ‘That is fine but I don’t understand why only good people in this world have to suffer?’
God: ‘Child! Only good is always put to test. Pure gold comes out after it is burnt. Similarly, questions and difficulties in reality increase your inner power and patience.’
Me: ‘What do you think about human beings at present?’
God: ‘Just one thing. First you lose health to gain money and then you lose money to gain your health. In short, you waste money.
You feel boredom in your childhood, and childhood in old age. You live your youth as if you are never going to die! In times of hardships you ask, “Why always me?” but in happiness you never ask, “Why only me?”’
Me: ‘God can you tell me the secret of living the best life?’
God: ‘Why do you always crave for happiness? Whatever you have, accept it and enjoy it. Don’t worry about what you don’t have. Don’t always demand and compare. By constant comparison you have even destructed your house. Forget your past and by trusting in your present prepare yourself for the future. Get rid of hatred and ill thoughts or else they will back fire on you. Love others and others will love you. Learn to forgive.’
Me: ‘My last question is, are you able to listen to the prayers I make?’
God: ‘I am able to hear all of them but my way of answering them is always different. My answers lie in the forests, the waterfalls, the rivers, the seas and trees. My answers lie in the sunrise and the sunset. Everyday begins with a new morning- these are all my answers. But where do you have time to look at them?
Have you ever heard the soothing music of the slow breeze by sitting under the sky on a full moon night? The day you learn to do that you will get all your answers.’
Me: ‘Thankyou so much for talking to me. I felt really nice to meet you. Do you have any message for me?'
God: ‘My child! Always have faith in me. I will give you freedom from all the worries of this world. Life is a secret but not a puzzle. Always remember me and believe in me. Never lose hope. Just call me and I will be there for you because you are dear to me and my best creation.’


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