Destiny, Betrayal or a Matter of Choice…..

“Life is full of surprises”. Indeed true. But what are these surprises a result of?? Is it our Destiny or it is a result of what we have chosen for ourselves. Just imagine a situation where in one fine morning you wake up just to hear that your beloved has just got engaged to someone else. Ha ha ha..It may sound funny at first... but within our heart we may think, ”What a pity?” Who is to be blamed in such a situation? Well let me tell you a short and a very common love story which will help you to answer my question.
It’s just like a ‘ Jab we met situation’.. A girl and a guy meet each other for the first time while travelling in a train. It was a very casual meeting but a very memorable one for both. Here is the beginning of a new story. Both of them end up becoming “Good friends” initially. After almost a year of their so called “Good Friendship”, they realize the true feelings for each other and start up with a formal “Love Affair”. Two individuals - Highly intellectual, smart, intelligent and with true feelings (I Guess…)for each other. The story moves on…. And they spend time with each other discussing about their work, family, friends and life in general. Meanwhile they are been offered with other good proposals at home but both of them seem to be cold blooded towards it.
After almost two years of a good relation comes a time of decision to make a commitment. If things were fine between both of them then why did the question of commitment bring about a break-up? Any guesses……… Well… It’s very simple.” INCONVENIENCE”. Social inconvenience which lead to a kaput between them. Both of them forgot about their differences which was a major problem for their future even in today’s Modern society. STATUS, religion and caste, language and many such differences became a barrier for both of them. And most important- A fear of REJECTION FROM THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS.
So coming back to my question, in such a situation who is to be blamed? Was it the destiny that both of them parted ways or was it a matter of choice? Well, I would call it a matter of choice here because things would have been possible if they would have tried for it. But probably they had a lack of faith in each other or maybe both of them were cowards.
Destiny is just a lame excuse to put a blame on what we have done. The outcome of everything depends on the choice that we make on our part. It’s so stupid that when something good happens we say it’s a fruit of our hard work but if something in our life goes wrong we blame “OUR DESTINY”.
They say “Nothing in life is permanent” – Is it really true? I think it is our decision which makes things in our life permanent or temporary. Our career, friends and most important- Our life partner, they all are a part of our own decisions. The future depends on the decision that we make today and so “Destiny” is also a part of what we make. Of course one has to take chances because 'Conditions apply':-)


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