
Everyday in my mind, i think of you,
Nobody knows... how much i love you.

You are the one for whom my heart beats,
To move life competes.

Time has made such a difference between us,
There's no faith like before, things are in a mess.

Life was worth living only with you,
yet you asked for "Freedom", and i gave it to you.

"Freedom" for you may be easy to claim,
But for me it has become an everlasting pain.

I wish someday you would understand,
That i am a human and not sand on land.

They say 'Love' brings happiness and some pain,
But it has left me only with unending complains.


Wiseman said…
Fly, fly little wing.
Fly beyond imagining.
The softest cloud, the whitest dove,
upon the wind of heaven's love.

Past the planets and the stars,
leave this lonely world of ours.
Escape the sorrow and the pain,
and fly again.

Fly, fly precious one,
your endless journey has begun.
Take your gentle happiness,
far too beautiful for this.

Cross over to the other shore,
there is peace forevermore.
But hold this memory bittersweet,
Until we meet.

Fly, fly do not fear,
don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear

Your heart is pure, your soul is free,
be on your way, don't wait for me.

Above the universe you'll climb,
on beyond the hands of time.

The moon will rise, the sun will set,
but I won't forget....

Fly, fly little wing,
fly where only angels sing.

Fly away, the time is right,
go now, find the light.
TINI said…

You entered my life, just like a flash,
And filled it completely with a joyful splash.

You came like an angel and flew away like a bird,
Without allowing anyone to speak a word.

My soul weeps and my pain heaps,
I try hard every time but my mind never sleeps.

The ‘Hope’ within keeps fading away,
The ‘Strength’ inside, gets weaker day by day.

I feel helpless, my heartbeat is hopeless,
Even in the midst of everyone I feel loneliness.

Perhaps it’s better to leave things here,
And “LEAP” ahead without any fear.

Don’t know what to do and what more to say,
The only thing I do is to pray everyday.

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