
Showing posts from October, 2008

The Waiting......

Waiting for the morning, waiting for the night, Waiting for someday, when everything would be right. Waiting for an hour, waiting for a day, Waiting for the time, when "Happiness" would be in our way. Some people love it while many may hate, When there is no option, but 'to wait'.... Every minute, every second, every moment, The whole world waits, for some or the other achievement. But nobody understands the pleasure of "Waiting" Except the one who gains, for what one has been waiting.....

Dear Friend.....

The time for which i won't ever regret, Is the precious moment, when we met. Though now between us there is a long distance, But life always gets better with your presence. There are many barriers which don't permit us to meet, But the thought of our "Friendship" makes it complete. 'Trust' is what builds our faith in eachother strong. It dosen't allow us to think of any wrong. Like a true friend, you show me the way, Whenever I go wrong, you always convey. Memories of this sweet bond, I will forever cherish, Hope these feelings in eachother may never ever perish.


Everyday in my mind, i think of you, Nobody knows... how much i love you. You are the one for whom my heart beats, To move life competes. Time has made such a difference between us, There's no faith like before, things are in a mess. Life was worth living only with you, yet you asked for "Freedom", and i gave it to you. "Freedom" for you may be easy to claim, But for me it has become an everlasting pain. I wish someday you would understand, That i am a human and not sand on land. They say 'Love' brings happiness and some pain, But it has left me only with unending complains.

Life and Love...

Life..... The most difficult thing on this earth. No one knows where it begins and when it's gonna end. Nothing is certain in it. People orThings; nothing is permanent. Yet amidst this uncertainity... there stays a hope to go on...... Love.... A word without an existence, Yet people die to claim it. Difficult to define, Yet people try to justify it. Pure as it sounds, but yet no purity in it anymore.......